Tim Gould for Smyrna

Community Updates from your Ward 6 Council Representative

Mayor’s Education Awards

Thursday night we celebrated all that is right about our Smyrna area schools at the Mayor’s Education Awards! Great night to love-on our students and families, honor premier teachers and our dedicated volunteers and community partners.

Awesome seeing our young people dressed up to be recognized for their achievements. Really special night for many families.

Master of ceremonies, Smyrna’s own Mark Owens, made the night all the more special. Thank you Mark!!

Big thank you to City Staff for all their work making the night so awesome.

As the Chair of the City’s Education Committee, I appreciate how Smyrna area schools impact the long term success of our City. Events like the the Mayors Education Awards is an important part of supporting and honoring our students, teachers, and community partners. #SmyrnaStrong#SmyrnaTogehter